Other 2025 Events

Leesport Flea Market, Sun. March 2nd: 58th Annual Leesport Swap Meet & Car Corral, proudly hosted by the Ontelaunee Region AACA.
Click HERE for flyer 

GM CARLISLE is June 20-21st. If you are interested in showing your car next year, the early pre-registration fee is only $19.55 but has a deadline of this Monday Nov 4th. The fees after Nov 4th go up to $45 by Black Friday and $50 after that. If interested, you need to contact Carlisle Events to register. Their website is carlisleevents.com and their phone number is 717-243-7855.

AACA Museum Bill Smith Cruise In, Sat. 6/21, 8-3:​ As previous, any of KSC attendees that pre-register will be entitled to complimentary lunch passes. We also feature a specific attending car club award.  Here is our registration link: https://www.aacamuseum.org/event/cruise-in/

Fall Hershey, Tues. Oct. 7 - Fri. Oct. 10:
Link to AACA

Riegelsville Fall Rollout Car Show, Sun. Nov. 3rd: Get there by 8am to put your car in the show, otherwise you park on the street.
Link to the Borough Web site